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Read this Carefully: Runaways Vol. 1: Pride and Joy

So when I had the idea for my blog series, Watch This Space, I had an idea for a sister series called Read this Carefully. What is this, well it just reviews of either comic books or novels that I read and give out my opinions. So what read recently was the first six issues in Brian K. Vaughn and Adrian Alphona's Marvel series the Runaways. I was gonna read this in preparation for the Hulu adaptation, but I can't get Hulu in the United Kingdom so, if there getting a TV show the source material has to be something right?

What is Runaways? Well originally published under Marvel's Tsunami imprint, it tells the story of six teenagers (Alex, Nina, Gert, Chase, Karolina and Molly) who live in Los Angeles and there parents a high rollers in society and have a big meet up for some unknown reason. During one of these meetups the teenagers discover there parents are not what they seem. There a supervillain group called the Pride. Deciding to rat out on there parents they decide to runaway but also discover something about themselves.

I'm not gonna spoil anything because what made the series interesting is the mystery. It keeps you guessing and each revelation gets more surprising by each issue. The characters are also great in the comic. Vaughn writes each character with their own chemistry and have there own unique interactions. For example Gert is the nerd of the group her personality clashes with Chase, the jock of the group. Chase acts different towards Karolina the perfect girl of the group. Nina and Alex act more level headed than them. One thing I will criticize is that some of the language is a bit dated, with references to Alec Bladwin and Kim Bassinger's divorce or Peace Rallies. That's not gonna date this comic in anyway, but hey comics have been around for years so that's forgivable. I can give Vaughn props for making the teen age characters believable. I'm young and I can relate and understand these characters. The art also looks good as well.

This was just the first 6 issues of this series, so I don't know what else is in store for me or you the reader. But if your interested in this series then check it out at your local bookshop or even Amazon.

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